

I’ve been working on this site here and there over the last two months. The “work” being sifting through thousands of photos that I’ve taken over the past 8 almost 9 years. Roughly 40,000 photos to be more accurate.

I’m still in the phase of determining what I want this space to be. Initially it was literally just going to be a place to aggregate my pictures in an organized way because with having so many, it’s difficult to adequately share on social media... there’s no way to feasibly share anywhere close to 40,000 pictures without being an insane person. It became cathartic if not therapeutic weekly ritual to put on music from the year I was rewinding through, and sort through these moments that remind me of the good times, as well as the bad. It’s special to be transported back in time and although it’s tiring, I felt accomplished each time I finished a Year’s gallery.

If you haven’t taken a look, you should! There’s some cool stuff in there, both artistically and just human experiencedly.

One of my main goals in creating this website is to reimerse myself in the city I grew up in. In my late teens I was introduced to the world of Graffiti and while I was never any good, I had friends that were (and are still), who let me tag along. I loved the exploration. Finding hidden places, climbing buildings, walking the city at night, slapping stickers high on signs where they wouldn’t get buffed, etc. When I decided I wanted to start this project I knew I would eventually want to display it publicly yet relatively anonymously. So, I had stickers made with a QR code that would direct the curious passerby’s to my homepage and, if they were so inclined, they could leave a message. What a time we live in. It’s so fun each time I get an email alerting me there’s been a new form submission.

I have little to no intention of telling people about this space directly. I enjoy and prefer the mutual anonymity. There’s something pure about putting something out into the world with minimal expectations and then receiving feedback. I have, of course, shared it with a few people who appear in some of the pictures I’ve posted.

This post is really overdue and should probably have existed before I started putting stickers up to be honest.

It’s now half past 7pm on a Friday night and I just got a new shipment of stickers.
The plan is to head into town, see the city go from busy, to quiet, to empty, and head home.



Monument Square Protests